Unlawfully Victimized by American “Family Court” System.


Justice is a part of the human makeup. And if you deprive a person of Justice on a continuous basis, it’s really an attack (and not to get religious or anything) but it’s an attack on the human soul. We have, as societies, evolved ideas of Justice and we have done that because human nature needs Justice and it needs resolution. And if you deprive somebody of that long enough they’re going to have reactions…” ~ Juli T. Star-Alexander — Executive Director, Redress, Inc.

Redress, Inc. 501c3 nonprofit corporation, created to combat corruption. Our purpose is to provide real assistance and solutions for citizens suffering from injustices. We operate as a formal business, with a Board of Directors guiding us. We take the following actions to seek redress: Competently organize as citizens working for the enforcement of our legal rights. Form a coalition so large and so effective that the authorities can no longer ignore us. We support and align with other civil rights groups and get our collective voices heard. Work to pass laws that benefit us and give us the means to fight against corruption, as is our legal right, and we work to repeal laws that are in violation of our legal rights.

Become proactive in the election process, by screening of political candidates. As individuals, we support those who are striving to achieve excellence, and show how to remove from office those who have failed to get the job done. Make our presence known through every legal means. We monitor our courts and judges. We petition our government representatives for the assistance they are bound to provide us. We publicize our cases and demand redress. Create a flow of income that enables us to fight back in court, and to assist our members impoverished by the abuses inflicted on us. Create the means to relieve the stresses on us, as we share information and support each other.

We become legal advocates for each other; we become an emotional support network for each other; we problem solve for individuals on a group basis! Educate our judges, lawyers, court personnel, law enforcement personnel and elected leaders about our rights as citizens! Actively work to eliminate incompetence, bias/prejudice, special relationships and corruption at all levels of government! Work actively with all media sources, to shed light on our efforts. It is reasonable to expect that if the authorities know we are watching and documenting, that their behaviors will improve.


Accountability will not happen overnight. But we believe that through supporting each other, we support ourselves. This results in a voice for justice and redress that cannot be ignored. Please become familiar with our web site, and feel free to call. We need each other – help us to help you! Although we are beginning operations in Nevada, we intend to extend into each state in a competent fashion. We are NOT attorneys, unless individual attorneys join us as members. We are simply people helping people. For those interested, we do not engage in the practice of law.votefamily-2015VoteFamily.US

We are a coalition of ordinary Florida citizens from all walks of life very concerned with the safety and well-being of our children and families. We believe that we must unite to defend our families for their is great power in unity:

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“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken”  (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

We are an army of parents and families defending our children.

Please, help our families by downloading our flyer and passing it along to your friends and families.VoteFamily FlyerLet's Defend Our Families!

Why say NO to attorneys in the Legislature?
See explanation.

post card03b

For Family Restoration and Protection

We are Patriots who love our constitution and families

We are Regular citizens.

We are Patriots; We love GOD, COUNTRY U.S.A., and the U.S. Constitution!!

We are Not Lawyers.

We are Not career politicians.

What we Believe ~ Just and fair courtrooms free from cronyism and corruption.

Our Family courts require redesign to better preserve posterity for our children.

Parental Alienation is Child Abuse and is unacceptable.

parental alienation is a child protection issue


Our Goals ~ One of the main causes of all the abuses taking place in the present judicial system and associated organizations, guardianship programs, DCF , Juvenile courts, HOA scams, Family Courts, etc. is the lack of judicial accountability caused by the lost of judicial checks and balances so necessary in a Republic. 

Reform the Department of Children and Families. 

Create ways to enact and enforce laws that protect our children, our youth, our elderly, and our families. 

Make government servants accountable for their actions protecting the citizens of our state. 

Increase public transparency at all levels of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our state. 

Also see www.constitution.org/fed/federa51.htm

Let's Defend Our Families!

Dysfunctional Family Courts - 2015

MzParental Rights Class Action

If you want to join now, just jump down to the registration form at the bottom of this Homepage, or first read the Overview just below, and/or learn about the very powerful constitutional Arguments that we’re going to use within the Complaint.

If you are hoping to find some power legal ammo for use in your own personal family court case, then you still want to see our Arguments page, also the upper areas of our F.A.Q. Page, and just added, you may now also check our free Legal Tips page.

Scheduled for filing during middle March 2016, this federal class action suit seeks two primary goals in court relief: (1) shutdown and radically correct both of the main unlawful “family court” systems nationwide because of multiple, grossly unconstitutional issues each; and, (2) shutdown all of related federal HHS/ACF “carrot and stick” programs that are partial blame for causing #1.

This class action lawsuit also demands one secondary form of relief, a declaration (Order) from the federal court that the unlawful deprivations of child custodial rights from all registered class action plaintiffs are void, hence fully restoring the prior legal and physical child custody of all registered plaintiffs who qualify and join below. This ability to directly restore fundamental rights is because of the legal nature in swearing under penalty of perjury that each such parent is actually qualified to receive all such relief. Further, all of the other millions of “similarly situated” parents out there will be able to use this same declaratory relief ordered by the federal court, and proceed back to their respective family courts (using an attorney of their choice if and as needed), to go through the process for essentially the same guaranteed results. The difference is only that those other millions of parents were not already in this class action lawsuit, formally, by swearing their own qualifications to receive relief under penalty of perjury.

Basically, if you are a parent of one or more natural/biological children, you also were unlawfully victimized by either above-described American “family court” system within the past four years (whether still currently or not), and you currently live in one of the 50 States/Commonwealths, you qualify to be a Member of CAPRA and fully participate in everything described upon this website. However, there are per-geography limits.

For various reasons, the total membership of CAPRA will be limited to a maximum of the first 51,764 qualified registrants, which is population-density based, including up to twelve (12) Members allowed to join and participate from the very least populated, most rural Localities, and likewise by different population-density thresholds, up to a max of twenty-eight (28) Members from each of the many most populated Localities.

About 95% of all such 3142 U.S. Census “Localities” are called “[something] County” while the rest are county-equivalents, like “boroughs” and “census areas” in Alaska, “parishes” in Louisiana, and even “independent cities” like St. Louis, Baltimore, and others, which are cities not part of any counties, with their own borders, etc. Using different population thresholds, each different Locality is shown with either three (3), five (5) or seven (7) CAPRA membership slots on this example spreadsheet. We are using four (4) of those (real) spreadsheets together, each with 12,941 slots, for a grand total of 51,764 maximum CAPRA membership slots available across the nation, hence “three” slots shown on the single spreadsheet for a Locality is actually twelve slots available, “five” is actually twenty slots, and “seven” shown is actually 28 slots. http://parentalrightsclassaction.com/http://iloveandneedmydaughter.blogspot.com/2015/10/fathers-who-are-good-to-their-children.html

Unlawful Deprivations of Child Custodial Rights

(1) Shutdown and radically correct both of the main unlawful “family court” systems nationwide because of multiple, grossly unconstitutional issues each; and, (2) shutdown all of related federal HHS/ACF “carrot and stick” programs that are partial blame for causing #1.

This class action lawsuit also demands one secondary form of relief, a declaration (Order) from the federal court that the unlawful deprivations of child custodial rights from all registered class action plaintiffs are void, hence fully restoring the prior legal and physical child custody of all registered plaintiffs who qualify and join below. This ability to directly restore fundamental rights is because of the legal nature in swearing under penalty of perjury that each such parent is actually qualified to receive all such relief. Further, all of the other millions of “similarly situated” parents out there will be able to use this same declaratory relief ordered by the federal court, and proceed back to their respective family courts (using an attorney of their choice if and as needed), to go through the process for essentially the same guaranteed results. The difference is only that those other millions of parents were not already in this class action lawsuit, formally, by swearing their own qualifications to receive relief under penalty of perjury.
Demand Family Court Reform Florida - 2015

“Punishment for non-professional misconduct also is thought to preserve the reputation of the legal profession and enhance public confidence in the legal profession. Basically, this means to be a great lawyer the lawyer not only has to do a good job for clients but be someone who does not violate the law in his or her nonprofessional life. It is the same with judges.”
“Punishment for non-professional misconduct also is thought to preserve the reputation of the legal profession and enhance public confidence in the legal profession. Basically, this means to be a great lawyer the lawyer not only has to do a good job for clients but be someone who does not violate the law in his or her nonprofessional life. It is the same with judges.”


1518 Genesee Street
Utica, New York 13502
(315) 796-4000


DATE:      November 17, 2010




In what may be described as the most sweeping challenge to date upon our nation’s draconian child control laws surrounding Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, New York Civil Rights Advocate Leon R. Koziol, J.D. has filed a comprehensive test case in United States District Court in Albany, New York. Named in the action are judicial and law enforcement officials, including New York’s Chief Justice and Unified Court System. The lawsuit, served upon select parties this week, takes aim at “custody” and “child support” laws which alienate children from their parents as part of a government money generating scheme. A 39 page, 24 count civil complaint sets forth the manner in which lawyers and forensic agents feed off of manufactured controversies in domestic relations courts to harm parent-child relations and the financial stability of mainstream households. According to Koziol, it is a process which is harming the productivity of an entire nation.

Until his public stance against the legal profession in recent years, Mr. Koziol enjoyed an unblemished 23 year career as a constitutional rights attorney. His accomplishments include six figure jury verdicts on behalf of race, gender and free speech victims. In 2004, he secured a final judgment in New York Supreme Court declaring unconstitutional the operation of the largest casino in that state. He has appeared on the CBS Program “60 Minutes”, New York Times and CNN, among other national mediums. The current action provides a startling look at the manner in which government actors are suppressing free speech, due process and the People’s liberty interests in childrearing. Mr. Koziol is seeking similar victims of courtroom abuses to join this action and transform it to class action status. Support is needed behind his sacrificial cause on behalf of “parents similarly situated”. As the holiday season approaches, Mr. Koziol hopes to target family preservation issues and the scheduling of a national parenting rights convention.


Preliminary Statement

(1) The State of New York maintains a separate but unequal doctrine of parentinlaws in domestic relations matters which is inherently unconstitutional and fraudulently designed, in part, to exploit children for money generating purposes.

(2) Custodial and non-custodial classifications are mandated in blanket fashioamong separated parents to provoke public court contests and a stream of money transfers upon which to generate government support. Mainstream and irresponsible parents are lumped together under this scheme and arbitrarily forced to prove their fitness to the state. 

(3) A “custodial institution of child rearing” has consequently arisen whereby residents and businesses are needlessly brought under state scrutiny, children are placed above their parents against a natural order of child rearing, and gender discrimination is practiced in order to comply with federal welfare laws found in Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.

(4) As relevant here, the named defendants have committed the plaintiff parents and children indefinitely to this custodial institution in violation of parenting agreements and a full range of inalienable rights protected by the United States Constitution without a compelling, important or rational basis.Civil Rights in Family Law Florida - 2015



No matter what part of our Constitutional Republic, Freedom and Liberty you are fighting for, you must organize all your active leadership efforts by some geographic method.

TO WIN, you need three (3) basic components working:

1 – an efficient network of managing public communications

2 – a logistical network for background legal preparations

3 – a large communications system able to saturate America

Most people understand the basic use of States, but differ widely from there. Our very BEST answer, because OUR efforts ALSO involve a variety of LEGAL issues, is to use a certain kind of geography system that is both over AND within all States – the federal court jurisdictions.

Mirroring the jurisdictional breakdown of the U.S. federal court system is the perfect match to any political-social movement which has numerous LEGAL issues as its base of existence, since it already has the three perfect key components needed:

(a) it is setup to be *proportionally* where the U.S. population already lives – an efficient system, working NOW, covering ALL of America;

(b) it is a *uniform* system, in both over ALL the States, AND ALSO within each and every individual State – easily understood by anyone;

(c) and, its primary purpose, again, IS to correct ILLEGAL wrongdoings – the base of our movement’s existence – with a UNIFORM legal system in ALL States;

It is THE perfect administration system for ALL political-social efforts for which to restore our Constitutional Republic, and about any particular LEGAL RIGHTS under which it stands.

As an inherent bonus, duh, it is ALSO the naturally perfect logistical system for filing a TRULY HISTORIC, nationwide classaction lawsuit by individual U.S. Citizens, everywhere across America, within the span of just one (1) target week – the kind of shockingly MASSIVE public outcry action that can literally smother the whole wayward system into rather quick humility.

The actual filing(s) of exactly such an historic Constitutional lawsuit, easily joined by millions of outraged sovereign U.S. Citizens, against governmental units/defendants named over a bulwark of important legal claims, fundamental to every American Family, and also to every American Taxpayer, was the original, built-in gameplan design for the dual network structure of United Civil Rights Councils of America (UCRCoA), finally launched online in June of 2007, after over three years of preliminary work was done.

UCRCoA has a unified dual network of larger public discussion/news/action groups, and smaller background/private legal groups, that merge at national, state and county levels, but retain the two must-have separate driving forces (public action items & legal fights) at the parallel “Region” and “Circuit” level(s). At the general “groundzero” public level – the Counties and Independent Cities level – its all exactly the same, management wise by State leadership. See the UCRCoA Organizational Chart for the quick visual overview: UnitedCivilRights.org/pdfs/UCRCoA_Organizational_Chart.pdf

Matching all of that, the much larger public-side network includes 3140 different Yahoo! Groups for each and every County (“Borough” in Alaska, “Parish” in Louisiana) and Independent City across America, the 50 State-level Groups, 7 Regional Groups (each restricted to all levels of leadership within that same given Region), 10 public “Focus Area” Groups managed by UCRCoA upper leadership, the private National Board Group, plus a small handful of miscellaneous, private administrative and task groups. The PUBLIC side of UCRCoA is all handled and managed via using “Regions” of States, seen here:


Running in real-time parallel, the more private, smaller, background LEGAL side of UCRCoA is handled and managed by Teams of Scholars in a mirror to the federal court jurisdictions, i.e., with like manner of Yahoo! Groups and matching leaders for “national” (for things related to the U.S. Supreme Courtand certain DC federal courts), for each of the 11 main federal Circuits, for the 89 various federal Districts within the States, and for the 450-ish federal Divisions that are over each given cluster of Counties (or “Boroughs”, “Parishes”, or Independent Cities), i.e., the actual 450-ish federal trial courthouses scattered across America:




The public leadership side of UCRCoA is already fairly healthy, with 200+ of the 300+ designed public State leadership roles listed up, several hundred Counties with a listed local leader, and about 3/5ths of all 56 upper leadership (National+Regional) roles filled with an able person. State-level Yahoo! Groups have anywhere between 5 and 300 people, with most States at 25-65, plenty enough to have FULL State Boards of Directors everywhere. County-level Yahoo! Groups typically have already 3-12 members each in the more rural areas of the nation, while the County Groups for the urban city populated areas each typically have 10-35 members on them now, also plenty enough for FULL County Teams across the country.

Once the public leadership saturation was growing strong, building up the legal side leadership began, fairly recently, and now there are several dozen Scholars within the various private jurisdictional Yahoo! Groups, enough to form all upper leadership Teams for the Legal side of things, and we are actively recruiting for more Scholars to fill up and form contact and logistical points for Districts and Divisions at the “ground/people” level.

To ACTUALLY KICKOFF and FILE this truly massive nationwide classaction lawsuit against governmental wrongdoings (and there are several HUGE constitutional/legal issues to choose from, of course), we only need to find, recruit and place on board:

(a) the last 100-ish public-side State leaders, some with dual roles as the 20-ish remaining upper leadership openings to be filled;

(b) about 40-60 more legal Scholars to take the remaining legal-side upper leadership spots, so all upper legal teams are formed;

(c) the last 200 of 952 local contacts for “red” counties and independent cities (“red” = any county/city with a 50K+ population);

And “c” above can include more dual action by our *existing* leadership, for their own respective local roles still needed, so we only need about 200-300 total NEW activists added into all roles combined, to add to the EXISTING 500 activists already in place, and we’re then actually able to logistically HANDLE the largest and most historic classaction lawsuit ever filed in America – “We The People” v. [Our Own Government’s Continual Mega-Failures and Total Breaches of ALL the Founding Documents’ Contractual Guarantees to Us, The People]

So, from across the entire country and from literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of ‘tea party’ type freedom fighters out there and active right now, I believe we should EASILY be able to find a mere few hundred more, ready for action of truly historic Constitutional proportions, and bring them on board now.



If you going to help recruit and get the job DONE, here’s the short list of links to pass along.

Again, the Organizational Chart:

United Civil Rights

Then, for all PUBLIC-side roles:

National Board (combined from Public + Legal sides)


Regional Boards (7 different Teams, click which Region)


State Boards (50 different Teams, click which State)


County/I-City Boards (3140 different Teams, click which State in)


And, for all LEGAL-side roles (National, Circuits, Districts + Divisions):


With YOUR help now, we will actually restore America back into a full Constitutional Republic, where The Family and The Individual can once again live relatively free and safe and prosperous again.


Sincerest Regards,

Mr. Torm Howse

Co-Founder, National Board Director, Instructor,

United Civil Rights Councils of America


Co-Founder, National Board Director, Trustee,

Parental Alienation Awareness Organization – US


Founder, Owner, President,

The FIDO Network


General Contact:

(317) 286-2538 office

(888) 738-4643 fax

“Anyone who has ever worked in a legal aid office or law library has met people whose lives have come unhinged after a bad contact with the legal system. The details vary—they may have lost a business or inheritance or the custody of a child—but the common theme of feeling violated by the legal system does not. Even 20 years after losing a lawsuit, some people who suffer from Legal Abuse Syndrome still carry a suitcase of old legal papers around, desperately hoping someone will help them find justice.”
—Ralph Warner, quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle (1997)

LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME (LAS) is a form of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a psychic injury, not a mental illness. It is a personal injury that develops in individuals assaulted by ethical violations, legal abuses, betrayals, and fraud. Abuse of power and authority and a profound lack of accountability in our courts have become rampant, compounding an already stressful experience. http://t.co/m3KNwfPAyy  — at http://www.Causes.com/ChildrensRights.

43 thoughts on “Unlawfully Victimized by American “Family Court” System.

  1. Pingback: Take Back Your Power | Children's Rights

  2. Pingback: What You Can Do About Stress In Family Law | Children's Rights

  3. Pingback: Calls resound to reform family court ‘fraud’ | Civil Rights in Family Law Florida

  4. Pingback: Divorced men are more than nine times as likely as divorced women to kill themselves | Family Law Reform

  5. Pingback: Reporting misconduct using the proper form and wording is the only way you can be heard | Children's Rights

  6. Pingback: Never Stop Fighting – Stand Up For Zoraya

  7. Pingback: A Year Without My Daughter Zoraya. Here’s to you Judge Valerie Manno-Schurr. | American Fathers

  8. Pingback: When “Accused” Isn’t a Situation but a State of Being | American Fathers

  9. Pingback: Family Court Stress Disorder (PTSD)… | Children's Rights

  10. Pingback: Still Spending Money on Useless Family Law Lawyers?  | Civil Rights in Family Law Florida

  11. Pingback: The Family Law Reform Advocacy Group, said “the change is long overdue”. – Family Law Reform | Children's Rights

  12. Pingback: Family Activists Rally for Father Equality at Super Bowl 50! | Children's Rights

  13. Pingback: Secret Courts In Florida – Judicial Watch | Children's Rights

  14. Pingback: One Judge Removed From Family Court – Family Law Reform

  15. Pingback: Do Nothing Judiciary – Family Law Reform

  16. Pingback: No parents should have to go through this – Family Law Reform

  17. Pingback: Donts In Family Courtrooms | Children's Rights

  18. Pingback: Which is worse? No Child Support or No Contact | American Fathers

  19. Pingback: War on Dads in our Nation’s Family Courts. | American Fathers

  20. Pingback: Men and Women Should Be Treated Equally in Family Courts – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  21. Pingback: Unite With Trump to End Family Court Corruption – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  22. Pingback: Abuses of the Florida Family Courts | Children's Rights

  23. Pingback: Should People with Multiple Personalities or Dissociative Identity Disorder Be Parents? | Civil Rights in Family Law Florida

  24. Pingback: Family Court Personal Injury – Class Action Court Filing – Stand Up For Zoraya

  25. Pingback: What it means to be a Champion for Children and Parents – Stand Up For Zoraya

  26. Pingback: The safety and well-being of our children and families. | Civil Rights in Family Law Florida

  27. Pingback: Restoring Our Government’s Soul – American Fathers

  28. Pingback: Rise in cases of children poisoned against one parent by the other – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  29. Pingback: Men have an identity issue! – American Fathers

  30. Pingback: Call for Submissions: Men and Mental Illness — The Good Men Project – American Fathers

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  32. Pingback: Supreme Court Petition for Shared Parenting and Judicial Accountability – Join Now! – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  33. Pingback: $100 Million Grant to Reduce Fatherlessness Epidemic – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  34. Pingback: Addressing Mental Health – Stand Up For Zoraya

  35. Pingback: EFFECT OF SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ON CHILD SUPPORT | Civil Rights in Family Law Florida

  36. Pingback: JUSTICE4CHILDREN ~ Human Rights, Justice, Civil Rights. – Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers

  37. Pingback: Addressing Mental Health | Children's Rights

  38. Pingback: State legislatures — we have a problem – Family Court Reform

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