A child is created equally by two loving parents, and the responsibilty for the future of that child should be equal


Parental Alienation in Divorce Cases

I would ask the Government to peruse this site and many others that are growing in both purpose and number. and to recognize this crime that has been ignored for far too long. Many children. parents and family members are being thrown into this chaos of devastation, and it needs to end.  We the people ask that this subject be made known and discussed and a policy be sought to prevent and deter actions that do cause a great deal of harm sadness and despair, with devastating consequences.

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

The first case to recognize a non-custodial parent’s cause of action based on the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress was Sheltra V. Smith, 392 A. 2d 431 (Vt. 1978). In this case, the non-custodial parent brought suit for damages alleging that:

“defendant willfully, maliciously, intentionally, and outrageously inflicted extreme mental suffering and acute mental distress on the plaintiff, by willfully, maliciously, and outrageously rendering it impossible for any personal contact or other communication to take place between the (plaintiff and child).” ~Id. at 433.

The Superior Court, Caledonia County, dismissed the complaint for failure to state of cause of action on which relief could be granted. The Supreme Court of Vermont, however, found that the plaintiff stated a prima facie case for outrageous conduct causing severe…

The crime we are talking about here has several names. It is called Parental Alienation, Hostile Aggressive Parenting. Parentectomy or simply, PAS. It is a form of psychological abuse where one parent deliberately undermines the relationship between the children and the other parent using bullying, manipulation and scare tactics. In fact, it involves any action that impedes with a child having a healthy relationship with the other parent.

Please Help us to Help alienated Children, Mothers and Fathers. By seeking a firm and fair lawful remedy. 

Parental XabAlienation Tactic

Isolation is the KEY to Manipulation.

Isolation. The act of isolating, or the state of being
isolated, insulation, separation; loneliness.

Project Fatherhood FL 6- 2015Manipulation. A method of changing an individual’s attitudes or allegiances through the use of drugs, torture or psychological techniques, any form of indoctrination, alluding to the literal erasing of what is in or on one’s mind.

Brain Washing used to be associated exclusively with the act or practice of manipulating. The state of being manipulated. Shrewd or devious management, especially for one’s own advantage. Indirect control, as of an advisor; power to affect the opinions.

If you isolate the target
You can say what you want about them.
If you isolate the victim and only allow
Contact with allies You have complete control

An Alienation Tactic

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7 thoughts on “A child is created equally by two loving parents, and the responsibilty for the future of that child should be equal

  1. Children thrive with the active involvement of both parents. Children and parents should be encouraged to spend substantial time with each other regardless of the parents’ present relationship status. I realize and recognize that absent issues of abuse, neglect or abandonment, social and government policy must be structured in such a way as to promote and maximize the opportunity of all parents to contribute to the social, emotional, intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual development of their children. https://childrensrightsflorida.wordpress.com/2011/01

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