There is a “father factor” in nearly all of the social issues facing America today.

There is a “Father Factor” in Our Nation’s Worst Social Problems

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America — one out of every three — live in biological father-absent homes. Nine in ten American parents agree this is a “crisis.”

Consequently, there is a “father factor” in nearly all of the social issues facing America today. But the hope lies in the fact that children with involved fathers do better across every measure of child well-being than their peers in father-absent homes.

Below is data on the positive impact of father involvement, and data on the effects of father absence on poverty, maternal and child health, incarceration, crime, teen pregnancy, child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, education, and childhood obesity.

The Positive Impact of Father Involvement

In a study examining father involvement with 134 children of adolescent mothers over the first 10 years of life, researchers found that father-child contact was associated with better socio-emotional and academic functioning. The results indicated that children with more involved fathers experienced fewer behavioral problems and scored higher on reading achievement. This study showed the significance of the role of fathers in the lives of at-risk children, even in case of nonresident fathers.

Source: Howard, K. S., Burke Lefever, J. E., Borkowski, J.G., & Whitman , T. L. (2006). Fathers’ influence in the lives of children with adolescent mothers. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 468- 476.

Father Factor in Poverty

Poverty_IconChildren in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12 percent of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 44 percent of children in mother-only families.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Children’s Living Arrangements and Characteristics: March 2011, Table C8. Washington D.C.: 2011.

Father Factor in Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Emotional_IconData from three waves of the Fragile Families Study (N= 2,111) was used to examine the prevalence and effects of mothers’ relationship changes between birth and age 3 on their children’s well being. Children born to single mothers show higher levels of aggressive behavior than children born to married mothers. Living in a single-mother household is equivalent to experiencing 5.25 partnership transitions.

Source: Osborne, C., & McLanahan, S. (2007). Partnership instability and child well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69, 1065-1083.

Father Factor in Maternal and Child Health

Maternal_Child_Health_IconInfant mortality rates are 1.8 times higher for infants of unmarried mothers than for married mothers.

Source: Matthews, T.J., Sally C. Curtin, and Marian F. MacDorman. Infant Mortality Statistics from the 1998 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 48, No. 12. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2000.

Father Factor in Incarceration

Incarceration_IconEven after controlling for income, youths in father-absent households still had significantly higher odds of incarceration than those in mother-father families. Youths who never had a father in the household experienced the highest odds.

Source: Harper, Cynthia C. and Sara S. McLanahan. “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 14 (September 2004): 369-397.

Father Factor in Crime

Crime_iconA study of 109 juvenile offenders indicated that family structure significantly predicts delinquency.

Source: Bush, Connee, Ronald L. Mullis, and Ann K. Mullis. “Differences in Empathy Between Offender and Nonoffender Youth.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 29 (August 2000): 467-478.

Father Factor in Teen Pregnancy & Sexual Activity

Pregnancy_IconBeing raised by a single mother raises the risk of teen pregnancy, marrying with less than a high school degree, and forming a marriage where both partners have less than a high school degree.

Source: Teachman, Jay D. “The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of Their Marriages.” Journal of Family Issues 25 (January 2004): 86-111.

Father Factor in Child Abuse

Abuse_IconA study using data from the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study revealed that in many cases the absence of a biological father contributes to increased risk of child maltreatment. The results suggest that Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies have some justification in viewing the presence of a social father as increasing children’s risk of abuse and neglect. It is believed that in families with a non-biological (social) father figure, there is a higher risk of abuse and neglect to children, despite the social father living in the household or only dating the mother.

Source: “CPS Involvement in Families with Social Fathers.” Fragile Families Research Brief No.46. Princeton, NJ and New York, NY: Bendheim-Thomas Center for Research on Child Wellbeing and Social Indicators Survey Center, 2010.

Father Factor in Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Addiction_IconEven after controlling for community context, there is significantly more drug use among children who do not live with their mother and father.

Source: Hoffmann, John P. “The Community Context of Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use.” Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (May 2002): 314-330.

Father Factor in Childhood Obesity

Obesity_IconThe National Longitudinal Survey of Youth found that obese children are more likely to live in father-absent homes than are non-obese children.

Source: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

Father Factor in Education

Drop_Out_IconFather involvement in schools is associated with the higher likelihood of a student getting mostly A’s. This was true for fathers in biological parent families, for stepfathers, and for fathers heading single-parent families.

Source: Nord, Christine Winquist, and Jerry West. Fathers’ and Mothers’ Involvement in Their Children’s Schools by Family Type and Resident Status. (NCES 2001-032). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2001.

There was this girl that once dreamed of having a relationship with her father but that dream seemed so far out of reach. She saw her father a few times as a child but that was all. She grew up saying “I don’t need a father.”PAS is Child Abuse and Neglect

I Am A Fatherless Daughter - 2015


PLEASE HELP ZORAYA Children need both parents to be involved in their lives even when parents don't live together anymore!
Children need both parents to be involved in their lives even when parents don’t live together anymore!

Find Court Qualified “Supervised Visitation Monitor” – Once a week (for one hour) in Miami-Dade or Broward County. As Ordered by Judge Manno-Schurr on February 2nd, 2015. WILL PAY – Contact Stuart H. Abramson, Attorney at Law at (305) 270-7796

This Father’s Day, and every day, all across America, there are children who are being denied access to their fathers, and most of these fathers were in their children’s lives prior.

People must awaken to the truth and the horrors of family law and see how it’s the other parent and the family courts that have bankrupted and broken them down.

Changes must be made to these systems so the court-induced parental alienation immediately ceases from them doing more harm to our children.

How is it in the best interests of our children that their fathers’ driver licenses are suspended, and they are eventually thrown in jail for inability to pay?

Here are fathers who are already broke, bankrupted, and brokenhearted and now without any ability to pay, they order him to pay or go to jail.

Where is someone supposed to come up with that kind of money when they’ve lost everything? Tell me, people. How is this in the best interests of our kids? (Yes, I am not disputing that there are some parents who don’t deserve to be parents — moms and dads.)

But most often, these are loving, “fit” fathers who have been engineered by a system designed to break them down in every way, until all they can do is run.

They are hopeless and the cycle then goes on! What happens to them when they run? They become despondent and commit suicide, like Chris Mackney, or get shot at, like Walter Scott!

Does it make sense to suspend a parent’s drivers license so now they can’t work, can’t get money to pay?

Does it make sense to throw a parent in jail because of an inability to pay, so that while he’s locked up his arrears get worse?

It’s up to us to break the cycle!

Tina Granstrom


Read more here

Broward County Public School conspires with Judge Manno-Schurr to enable Parental Alienation, a severe form of child abuse.
Broward County Public School conspires with Judge Manno-Schurr to enable Parental Alienation, a severe form of child abuse.

By: Calandra Thompson

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

FatherlessPhoto Credit: Google Images

There was this girl that once dreamed of having a relationship with her father but that dream seemed so far out of reach. She saw her father a few times as a child but that was all. She grew up saying “I don’t need a father.”

Years went by and she didn’t think much about ever seeking to fix those broken pieces. Oh but wait she thought she was fine. I think deep down inside she longed for that relationship with her father. You could tell by the choices she made with men.  She needed the piece of the puzzle to be filled.

A couple of years ago, she did some research, find her father and he was…

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