Warning Signs of Emotional Child Abuse

Any form of Parental and Child Alienation is abuse.

A child’s natural right is to be loved by both their parents and families, our right as parents is to love and nurture our children.

When the right is broken and we are stripped by malicious family litigation and fabricated stories to hurt another, we loose sight of the once joy formed for a growing baby. In the best interest of our children we must reform family law!



These internalized working models of the attachment trauma are contained in the pattern of:  “abusive parent”-“victimized child”-“protective parent”brainsyntax_children_pawns_deadbeat_society_g

These trauma-related roles from the childhood of the narcissistic/(borderline) parent are now being reenacted in the current family relationships.

The lack of empathy of the alienating-pathological parent, lack of empathy is a key symptom feature of narcissism, allows that parent to use the child as a weapon (exploitation of others in the service of one’s own needs is another key symptom feature of narcissism) to emotionally batter the targeted-victimized parent in the most brutal of ways, by taking away the love shared between the targeted parent and the child.


State legislative sessions are underway and family law bills are being introduced around the nation and the bills designed to improve parent access to children.…

Need to be jailed like criminals - 2015

The parental alienation epidemic is out of control. it is destroying families by the millions! We need tax payer funded criminal courts to recognize and prosecutor…
See More

The lack of empathy of the alienating-pathological parent, lack of empathy is a key symptom feature of narcissism, allows that parent to use the child as a weapon (exploitation of others in the service of one’s own needs is another key symptom feature of narcissism) to emotionally batter the targeted-victimized parent in the most brutal of ways, by taking away the love shared between the targeted parent and the child.

Parental Alienation Awareness Organization USA Austin Chapter

Kids are the ones who pay when an ex tries to strike the other parent out of the picture.

“Parental Alienation: How It Affects Your Kids (It’s Worse Than You Think)”Mask Falls Off - 2016
The lack of empathy of the alienating-pathological parent, lack of empathy is a key symptom feature of narcissism, allows that parent to use the child as a weapon (exploitation of others in the service of one’s own needs is another key symptom feature of narcissism) to emotionally batter the targeted-victimized parent in the most brutal of ways, by taking away the love shared between the targeted parent and the child.

Parental Alienation Mental Health Articles 

Facebook.com/StandupforZorayaAll articles and Amicus Briefs are copyrighted. They may be used for personal use or re-printed by crediting Linda. Permission is denied to sell any material on this website.

The Parental Alienation Syndrome at Pas Intervention
Stop Emotional Child Abuse


Child Pic - Alienation - 2015parental-alienation-as-a-victim-standupforzoraya-2015

My mentor, Salvador Minuchin, the most highly respected and world renowned child psychiatrist, does not believe that mental illness is biochemically caused. Instead, Dr. Minuchin asserts that mental illness is maintained by dysfunctional inter-personal relationships. Create healthy relationships a…


More Money In Family Courts - 2016Always remember is that the courts are now an industry of corruption trafficking children for profit The system is not broken it was designed this way for profit. The corrupt family courts are a private corporation and as such must make a profit at any cost. Corrupt Family Courts.

5 thoughts on “Warning Signs of Emotional Child Abuse

  1. “Why the Custody Label Matters”, I explained why custody designations still matter, in terms of their impact on legal rights. The bigger question behind that one is: Should custody labels still matter? To put it another way: Has the time come to relegate the whole concept of custody of children to the scrap heap of history?* *The United Nations Convention the Rights of the Child* The question is not merely an abstract hypothetical. To the contrary, there appears to b… more » http://iloveandneedmydaughter.blogspot.com/2015/08/respect-right-of-child-who-is-separated.html

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